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  2. Privacy Policy・Basic Policy on the Handling of Specific Personal Information

Privacy Policy・Basic Policy on the Handling of Specific Personal Information

In recognition of the importance of maintaining the security of personal information, LaSalle LOGIPORT REIT (hereinafter, "LLR") makes concerted efforts to appropriately handle, manage, and protect the personal information in its possession, and strictly complies with Japan's Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and guidelines when handling such information. Note that LLR has established and observes a separate policy entitled the "Basic Policy on the Handling of Specific Personal Information" for Individual Numbers and specific personal information (the meanings of each as provided in the "Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures.")

1. Basic Policy on the Handling of Personal Information

LLR fully understands the importance of protecting personal information, and recognizes its social obligation to properly collect, manage, and use the personal information it obtains only within the scope needed for administrative purposes, in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws as well as its own basic policy, as follows.

(1) LLR shall obtain personal information through appropriate and lawful means, and only to the extent necessary for administrative purposes. Accordingly, LLR shall not collect personal information through deceptive or other dishonest means. Except as stipulated under the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, LLR shall not acquire personal information considered to be important without the consent of the individual concerned; nor shall the company acquire sensitive information (as defined in the “Guidelines on the Protection of Personal Information in the Financial Sector”; hereinafter referred to as the “Financial Sector Guidelines”) except as provided for under the Financial Sector Guidelines. In addition, LLR shall not use personal information in any way that threatens to encourage or induce illegal or unjust act.
(2) LLR shall always keep the personal data it obtains and manages accurate and up to date, and shall also endeavor to delete any data that is no longer required as soon as possible.
(3) LLR shall not use the personal information it has obtained outside the scope of the intended purpose it has specified, unless it obtains prior consent from the individuals concerned, or such usage is permissible by law. Furthermore, the purpose of using such information shall be limited to the minimum extent possible. Note that, unless so prescribed in the Financial Sector Guidelines, LLR shall not use sensitive information.

2. Purpose of Using Personal Information

With the exception of certain cases permissible by law, LLR shall use personal information only within the scope of the following specific purposes.

(1) To fulfill obligations to investment unitholders and ensure that they can exercise their respective rights in accordance with the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations of Japan (hereinafter, the "Investment Trust Act") and other applicable laws and regulations, particularly by delivering asset management reports, announcements of general unitholders' meetings, and notifications of dividend payments to the unitholders.
(2) To prepare and administer the investment unitholder data and information needed to create the register of names used for contacting the unitholders regarding presentations on financial results and other management meetings held by LLR, as required under the Investment Trust Act and other applicable laws and regulations.
(3) To perform asset management-related duties for LLR in accordance with the Investment Trust Act, namely, real estate management and the acquisition, brokerage, sale, transfer, and leasing of properties (including asset management duties related to raising funds), as well as the information collection, research, analyses and studies needed for carrying out such duties.
(4) To perform administrative duties for LLR, including work related to investor relations and general administration.
(5) To perform work incidental or related to the duties listed above.
(6) To consult with and outsource external experts, such as lawyers, certified public accountants, tax accountants, real estate appraisers, and judicial scriveners, for the purpose of achieving the objectives listed above.

3. Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

LLR does not provide personal data to third parties without obtaining prior consent from the individuals concerned, except in the following cases.

(1) When the provision of personal data is permitted by law.
(2) When consent is difficult to obtain from an individual concerned in a case in which providing the personal data is necessary for protecting a person's life, body or property.
(3) When consent is difficult to obtain from an individual concerned in a case in which providing the personal data is particularly important for improving public health or promoting the sound development of children.
(4) When providing personal data is necessary for cooperating with the activities of national or local government authorities, or of a representative entrusted by such authorities in accordance with laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual concerned is likely to impede the execution of such activities.

4. Outsourcing and Supervision of Contractors

In the event that LLR consigns a contractor to manage some or all of the personal data in its possession, it takes appropriate measures to handle the data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and conducts necessary and proper supervision of the contractor to ensure that the personal data under consignment is securely managed.

5. Demands from Individuals to be Notified of the Intended Use of Personal Data held by LLR; as well as Requests for Disclosure; Amendments etc.; Termination of Use etc.; and Suspension of Provision to Third Parties of said Data

In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, LLR responds appropriately to demands for notification of intended use and requests for the personal data it possesses to be disclosed (including disclosure of records on provision to third parties; the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph), amended, supplemented, deleted, not used, erased, or its provision to third parties withdrawn (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Disclosures Etc.”) if an individual makes such a request, upon confirming the identity of the individual or his or her representative. Individuals interested in such requests are requested to refer to “8. Contact Information,” below. Please note that the individual may also be asked to pay the prescribed fee when asking for notification/disclosure of the intended use of personal data held by LLR.

6. Security Control Measures for Retained Personal Data

In order to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, damage, falsification, etc. of personal data and to otherwise safely manage personal data, LLR shall take necessary and appropriate security control measures such as organizational security control measures, human security control measures, physical security control measures, technical security control measures, and understanding of the external environment. For details of security control measures, please contact the department listed below in “8. Contact Information.”

7. Efforts to Make Continuous Improvements

LLR strives to properly manage personal information and improve the security of the data in its possession. It is also prepared to revise the contents of this privacy policy in consideration of revisions to laws and regulations, growing expectations among the public and other changes in social trends.

8. Contact Information

Please contact the following department for inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, details of the measures taken by LLR to safely manage retained personal data, requests related to the Disclosures Etc. of personal data, and complaints.

Contact Information

Contact LaSalle REIT Advisors K.K., Finance Division
Address 14th Floor, Pacific Century Place Marunouchi, 1-11-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Telephone +81-3-6778-5400
Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., excluding weekends, national holidays, and New Year's holidays

For inquiries regarding matters concerning the unitholders register, please contact the following department, which currently serves as the administrator of the register.

Contact Information

Contact Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited, Stock Transfer Agency Business Planning Department
Address 2-8-4, Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Telephone 0120-782-031 (toll-free, but reachable from within Japan only)
Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding weekends, national holidays, and New Year's holidays

Latest revision date: April 1, 2022