LLR's ESG Policy
Investing in our future
LaSalle LOGIPORT REIT’s (“LLR” or “Investment Corporation”) basic philosophy is to increase unitholder value through stable, long-term growth in cash flow and asset value. We believe that the implementation of best practices related to environmental, social and governance matters helps to mitigate risks and contributes to the sustainable improvement of unitholder value and is consistent with the basic philosophy set forth by the Investment Corporation.
ESG objectives
As a member of the LaSalle Group ("LaSalle"), LaSalle REIT Advisors K.K. (“LRA” or “Asset Manager”), the asset management company of the Investment Corporation, strives to achieve the following ESG objectives in accordance with LaSalle’s ESG Policy.
- Reduce the environmental impact of our business
- Reduce the environmental impact of our clients’ real estate holdings
- Exceed local environmental regulations where appropriate
- Drive thought leadership and innovation on sustainable property investments
- Collaborate with clients, tenants, property managers, and other service providers to provide sustainable management of properties
ESG promotion system
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors will receive a report from the ESG Committee at least once a year on the development of goals and policies related to ESG, including climate change, and the status of their efforts. The Board of Directors oversees ESG initiatives, including climate change, based on these reports at LRA.
President and Representative Director
As the chairman of the ESG Committee, oversees the execution of ESG goals, including climate change, at LRA.
ESG Committee
LRA has established a ESG Committee chaired by the President and Representative Director, which holds regular meetings once a year to establish ESG-related goals and policies, including climate change, and to monitor the progress of these efforts. The members of the ESG Committee consist of the managers of LRA's major ESG-related divisions and other staff members in charge of ESG-related activities. The committee promotes ESG-related activities in collaboration with LaSalle's Global Sustainability Committee (which meets at least six times a year) and the sustainability officer responsible for Asia Pacific.
ESG Committee
Chairman | CEO |
Members | Head of Acquisitions, Head of Asset Management, Head of Fund Management, Head of Planning and Management, Compliance Officer, and other personnel in charge of day-to-day implementation |
Frequency | Once a year |
Main topics |
ESG training
LRA conducts regular training for all employees, including contract employees, in collaboration with LaSalle’s Global Head of ESG. LaSalle has also introduced a system that allows employees to use an online platform to participate in training programs in order to deepen knowledge, raise awareness, and share best practices related to ESG.
Incorporating ESG Elements into Performance Reviews
During the annual employee goal setting procedure, LRA requires all officers and employees establish their ESG-related goals. The degree of achievement is reflected as part of the bonus assessment, and outstanding initiatives are also subject to additional internal recognition awards.
Support for ESG Initiatives
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
Since 2009, LaSalle has been a signatory of the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and is committed to reporting progress on PRI's six principles. In the evaluation by PRI in 2021, we won the high score, including a 5-star rating, in the “Investment and Stewardship Policy.” We are working to earn high marks for the next annual evaluation in 2023.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
LRA has expressed its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). LRA will further deepen its efforts to address climate change and will continue to enhance information disclosure on climate-related issues in order to strengthen dialogue with investors and other stakeholders.
Net Zero Emissions
LaSalle is participating in the following initiatives and has announced a commitment to reduce the amount of CO2 emitted by its properties operating worldwide to a net zero figure by 2050.
- BBP Climate Commitment
- Better Climate Challenge (BCC)
- Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative
- ULI Greenprint commitment